The Dancing People (Chapter 5) #1

We were quick enough with our feet, sliding pass the spicky leaves and fading into the darkness. We could almost hear them talk now, Jordan’s hard and hoarse voice ringing in the cold and dreary winter night. I scanned Mura’s face and saw her skeptical eyes, shadowed by the darkness of the night. Maybe she was thinking about the same thing as me, with an equally defined smirking look. We were going to test their reflexes and we wanted to know, how much alert they really were.
A crunching sound emerging from underneath my soles as we kept ourselves in a crouching state, motions as stealthy as a thief.
But then, her foot got a kick with a large stone. A cracking sound, got boomed around us like a siren for fire alert.
Suddenly, they all melt with the silence of the night, not a pin plucking sound came after it. I paused, glancing at Mura with an emotion of half confusion and half disappointment. She bit her lower lip and lifted her shoulders, slightly higher.
Then Jordan came thrashing from behind the shelter of leaves and grabbed me from my shirt collar, lifting me three feet higher than the ground. His face had a dark and serious tone to it, with big and angry eyes, staring directly into mine. He had his other hand almost around his hefty belt to collect his hand gun, but then he sighed and let me fall on my knees.
“Oh God.” He gasped, walking towards the camp, his hands buckling his waist. “This is no joke Donnas. You could have got killed by my hands.”
“I am sorry Jordan.” Mura stood up, rubbing off any dried leaves from her body. “Actually we wanted to see if you are.”
“Quite everyone.” Mr. Brinskey came forward, his face half glowing with the fire light. “They can hear us, everyone must stay calm and quite as possible.”
“Ah. Kids these days.” Jordan paced around the fire, and stood behind a camp, lighting his cigarette.
“So.” Mr. Brinskey began, reaching forward towards us. “Are you all fine and healthy? Cause you know, there is a lack of medications around here.”
Mr. Brinskey had almost crossed the fire, when he came near Mura and saw large scars and wounds on her body.
“Oh. Dear.” He murmured in a soft tone, widening his eyes. “What happened?”

“It was a machine.” I said, blankly staring at Mr. Brinskey, while his eyes were fixated on Mura.
“A machine?” Jordan walked towards us, the shallow white smoke, rising and curling across his blackened face. “But it’s not possible. Machines don’t circulate the forest. Only the drones do.”
“Donnas is right.” Mura backed me, her feet slowly marching ahead, grass crushing underneath her legs. “It suddenly appeared inside the basement of a mall.”
“What in the hell, where you doing in the basement?” Emily questioned, her eyes were not blinking.
“Wait a second.” Jordan widened his eyes, scanning around us. “Where is Granny and… Dialla and Tella? Mura where are they?”
“We don’t know.” Mura replied.
“Wha? What do you mean, you don’t know.” Jordan said. “Come on Mura speak, where are they? Was it the machine? Or the dancing people? What happened?”
“We don’t know Jordan.” I spoke, as Mura was unable to speak, tears flooding down her cheeks. “We got separated in the forest with Madam Cathybell and Dialla. We saw them heading towards the small town. But when we reached there, they weren’t there.”
Jordan kicked the grass, six or seven leaves, skimmed off from the ground and dispersed into the air, falling back to the ground like emeralds with the glowing fire behind them. His face was warped differently and his body was tightened, muscles and biceps, bulging out from his outfit.
“And where is Tella?” He asked softly, only his back facing us.
“When the machine attacked us.” I paused for a moment, catching my breath. I just couldn’t produced the corrects words to explain the situation. “We lost her.”
A loud clap broke out into the silent night. Jordan sprinted towards me, his body erect and hard.
“I am going to get them back, before its too late.” He said. “I don’t know, why you left them in the forest, but this is my group and it is my duty to protect them.”
“Look, we didn’t left them.” I explained. “It was the situation.”
“Situation?” Jordan snapped. “What situation? A machine attacked you. This situation? I don’t know about you Donnas, but ever since this all began. I am constantly fighting with the machines. And I think, I have done well so far. But it’s a different story, they aren’t as strong and armed as me. They are weak and old, God knows if they have survived by now.”
“I am sure they did.” I said.
Jordan smiled, his white teeth, contrasting well with his black skin. “How are you so sure about this Donnas?”
“It’s a gut feeling.”
“Gut feeling?” Jordan laughed. He was bending over, grabbing the points of his knees. “gut feeling? Oh so now, we have our new leaders who believe in their gut feelings. How exciting.”
“Stop it Jordan.” Mura said loudly and boldly. “What is wrong with you?”
“No what is wrong with you Mura?” Emily jumped from her spot and dashed towards us. A long barreled shotgun, hung down with a leather belt, from her shoulder. Her hair tied and greasy, yet her skin, shinning like a freshly polished metal. “Don’t you understand that it was his responsibility to keep them safe? Dad believed in him, and what he did? Lost three members of our group instantly. I don’t know, if anyone here likes it or not, but i don’t believe this man. Not even a little bit.”

“I dont believe it.” Mura snapped. “All i know is that he saved my life when i was unable to do so. He did every fucking thing he could, while risking his own life for me.”
“He saved you Mura?” Jordan laughed, the smoke from his cigarette was no longer visible. “But by the appearance of you two, you look wounded and bruised on every part of your body, while on the other side, well! There is not a single cut or a wound on his skin. Maybe it tells the truth Mura.”
“Calm down everyone please for God’s sake.” This type of battle wouldn’t lead us anywhere but death and humiliation.” Mr. Brinskey spoke up, his voice had a straight tone to it, which made him stand out from the rest. “Mura, you come with me. My God you need serious medical treatment.”
Mura squeezed her lips and spun around, her short brown hair, waved like a clean twister. She walked pass the fire and reached a large stone, which was being used as a bench by them.
The sky had developed into a mysterious smudgy and open coloured sheet. Black clouds, silver stars, golden moon and the layers of purple fog was what prominent in the atmosphere when Emily was standing before the burning stick. She held out her arm and removed the large and bulky gun from her shoulder, holding it into her hands now.
“I am gonna go find them.”  She had her back facing the rest of the members of the group, when i walked towards her.
“You don’t have to.” I said. “It is my mistake and I will have to go myself.”
Emily didn’t say a word and stood, watching me like a hungry hawk, reading the mind of its prey.
“How worthless of you.” She murmured and turned around, now scanning the bullet box.
It was like a spike, which was pierced right through my mechanical heart, I was hurt. But it wasn’t just her words that were itchy and painful, but her eyes aswell. The way she always looked at me, like i was some sort of a criminal or evilish creature born to kill and annihilate. Maybe i was all of that, but fortunately my amnesia had changed me and mostly developed me.
“Just let me help.” I spoke again, but this time, she didn’t turned. “Emily.” I said loudly, forcing her to turn and face me.
“You wanna help? Alright.” She bended down, kneeling over to the grass and took a hand gun from her leather bag. “Take this.”
Emily threw the hand gun at me, which flung into the air and then landed down before my feet, making a perfect circular angle. I knelt down and took the gun. The moment i took it, i could feel it’s weight, forcing my arm downwards, but it was just a mere distraction and nothing more. I unlocked the clip of it and placed it at the side of my waist.

“I apologize for the late update, it’s been quite a busy week, but on the other hand, a splendid one aswell. Thank you so much for all your support. If you like this part, then please like my content and leave a comment, if you want to express something or you have any kind of questions. Also make sure to share it with your friends and family. Thank you so much once again.”

The Dancing People (Chapter 4) #2


I was hoping to see a bright crust of golden light with little to no clouds, but what I found, was dark orange shade, texturing the entire sky with hints of grey clouds, surrounding the dull orange sun.
But the breeze was soft and touching, it was cold and relaxing. My mechanical lungs felt a chill of relief, after we finally beat the giant machine, which could very easily killed us two. But now, we both stared at each other and smiled, our faces glowing with a faint light of the setting sun. Her eyes were glittering bright yellow, almost like a vividly burning sun.
“Don’t you think, we should atleast try to find Granny and Dialla?” Mura said, her eyes transferring towards the hard rocky ground. “It can be possible that Tella is with her sister and Granny.”
There was no conclusive answer to that question as i knew that It definitely could happen, but what was the probability of it? Definitely very less. I barely managed to look at her, having a faint smile on my face.
“Yes it can happen Mura.” I squeezed my lips together and kept a constant pace through the woods. Dried leaves cracking like bones under our feet, as we were crossing the long walk among trees. “But as i have already told you before, you are not in a condition to wander around and look for them. And I can’t leave you here and go looking for them either. So the best option we have right now is to reach our camp, get you some medical treatment and then we can go on looking for then okey?”
“Okey.” She murmured. Her voice was hoarse. “Ahhm. Can I get some water.”
“Yeah! Sure.” I stopped and pulled the water bottle from the back of her bag, squeezing it’s cap like a screw. “Here.”
Without saying another word, she stuck it to her lips and started drinking. A thin line of water, twinkling like a silver thread, made its way down her neck and onto her breasts. She wiped the remaining water from her mouth with the back of her hand and started circling the bottle in her hands.
Irritating plasticy sounds were the only spreading sounds we could listen to, standing alone in a forest just before dawn.
“I don’t know why this happened to us.” Mura began, strodding off over the dried and hard grass. “I don’t know, when it all began. I was in a different city, when i got a phone call from my mother.”
Mura paused, her hands shaking and sweating. The water bottle was on the ground by the time she spoke again.
“I can still feel the fear in her voice.” Mura gulped and licked her soft lips. “She told me not to come there.”
Mura faintly smiled. “After all she was a mother, and no mother wants her children to get hurt. Maybe she had seen those things. The machines. Bloody machines, terminating every living human from the cities like dust. At first, I could’nt understood, what was really happening, but after I saw the news, which was literally all over the world at that time. I knew, i had to go back, go back to my parents.”
“What happened to them?” I asked her, strolling behind her.
“By the time, I reached home, they were dead. Their bodies were half eaten by the insects and wild birds. But thankfully Tiffy survived. Found him, hiding in the basement.” She chuckled sadly. “With a toy gun in his hand.”
“Look. It’s terrible really, about what happened to you, what happened to all of the humanity.”
“Not just terrible, it’s beyond that. Far beyond that.” Mura snapped, her cheecks bulging red and eyes wet as ice. “You don’t know about us Donnas, cause you can’t feel the pain of humans.”
My eyes widened with shock. ‘What does she mean by that?’ I yelled to myself, spinning my eyes away from her contact.
“Androids can’t feel the pain, right?”
“Hey! What are you saying?”
“Stop.” She snapped again, removing a long wet strand of hair from her eyes. “Just stop it already Donnas. You lied to me. You lied to all of us. Emily was right, you can’t be trusted.”
“Don’t say a word Donnas.” Mura came towards me. “Do you have any idea, what will happen to you, when Jordan finds out about you?” She shook her head, her lips like duck’s beak. “He will kill you on the spot.”
“Okey, so before he can kill me.” I backed away and opened my arms widely, almost reaching the height of my shoulders. “Go ahead and kill me. I would rather like to be killed by you than Jordan.”
Mura looked away, biting her lower lip to hide her tears. “You know I can’t kill you Donnas.”
“Why not?”
“Because we are friends, and we need each other.” Mura wiped away the tears from her large eyes with the back of her hand. “I don’t know about Jordan, but i can’t kill you just because you are an android. I just can’t kill any innocent person.”
“How do you know I am innocent?” I asked her, staring directly into her amber coloured eyes. “How do you know that I was not the one who killed your parents?”
“I don’t know”. She replied, her voice had the taste of tears. “I only know that you saved my life today”.
“And if I was the one who killed.”
“Just stop it Donnas.”
“That’s not an answer Mura.” I said, I came nearer and nearer towards her, yet she didn’t backed away.
“I will kill you.”
I smiled. That was the answer I was hoping to hear from her. If I had killed her parents or any human being in my life, then I would rather like to die by her hands than live my entire life with a heavy guilt on my chest.
Mura smiled back and walked ahead of me, her feet still clumsy and dry. Fresh wounds on her skin were glowing bright red under the shade of dull sun. But i stood there, thinking. If I could just get a single glimpse of myself from the past. If I could really know, who I was, or maybe what I was.

It was almost getting darker, the faint image of the sun, hiding behind a pair of dark clouds, when she turned towards me. Her short brown hair, spun around her face and slipped behind her neck.
“There it is.” She exclaimed. “I can see it, behind the trees. Look.”
I did looked, and even squinted at it, finding a shallow cloud of smoke, rising high from a glow. It must be fire, i thought and raised an eyebrow.
“Donnas.” Mura called in a low tone, her eyes dark and mysterious. “I can’t walk more, it’s like my bones are cracking inside.”
I stopped, glancing at her from head to toe. “You know, we can’t stop now Mura.”
I said, bending a little low, one hand holding from her shoulders. “I will help you. Come, put your arm around my shoulder.”
She kept staring at me for several seconds, her eyes had the most observant look i had ever seen. Dark and empty. Maybe she wanted me to say another word or pass a wide smile, yet I did nothing but a solid stare back at her. I did’nt know if I was right or wrong, but she wanted everything right to happen and it was clear in her eyes.
Finally! A faint smile appeared on her face as she glanced the rocks, beneath our feet. She removed a long thick strand from the side of her eye and slipped it over her ear.
“Thanks.” The word came out in a soft whisper, and she did placed her arm around my shoulder.
We started walking again, knowing that our destination was quite close to us now, yet so far that we could hardly see it from the distance.
“So.” I began, noticing that it was quite a long time since we talked. “You haven’t told me one thing.”
“What?” She said, not looking at me.
“How you came to know about me?” I said, not looking at her this time. I wanted to return the favor.
“It isn’t important in a situation like this. All we need to know is that any of them can’t know about you.” Mura replied. “And plus, i never tell my secrets.”
“Oh really.” I said. “But don’t you think it will be helpful for me to avoid the same mistake next time.”
I waited for an answer, yet she kept walking, not even looking at me. I knew she hated androids, and I did knew the reason aswell, but her behaviour towards me was different. She wasn’t the Mura, i noticed when i first met all of them. She was quite open now, always ready to talk. It was funny, how I kept thinking about all these things when I heared Mura’s voice.
“Donnas.” She jerked my head, bringing me back from the eternity of thoughts. “Look, we have reached our camp.”


It’s probably not the first time, that i haven’t posted recently on my wordpress, and it’s kind of a shame aswell. Considering the fact that I have so lovely followers and supporters, i can be sure that you will understand my situation.

Actually the problem is that, I am extremely busy these days and the work load is so much, that i can’t even think of writing another part of my story, despite of the fact that I mostly enjoy writing it. I know it’s tough, but this hard period is very short, and I hope that i will be writing again from the next month.


1: CONS:-
You sometime loose hope and mostly found yourself, running on a single track, again and again and again. Without storming your brain, you sometime lacks new ideas and thoughts. You can also find yourself into a situation, where your imagination lacks proper vision and focus.

2: PROS:-
You can take a complete rest for your brain to settle in a different mood for a different story. You also get to watch and observe somethings that you can’t observe while you are busy writing. Sometimes, taking a rest can ultimately lead in the creation of a rocking story.

So here it is.
But be sure to check out the next part of my story when it is up on wordpress.

Thank you so much everyone and Goodbye.